Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Words can't really describe

How excited I am for this weekend. Here's how it's going down.

THURSDAY: Pick Kayla up at the airport. Have lunch, pick Melanie up at the car dealershit, drop her off somewhere to wander around in LA, Kayla and I go and see SPOON! at the Hollywood Palladium. Find Melanie and retrieve her.

FRIDAY (12 a.m.-ish): Drive from Spoon to go pick up David and Richie in Santa Barbara. Drive up to UC Santa Cruz.

FRIDAY-SUNDAY: Nonstop fun. I hope :D

I am so excited to see Spoon. Really, so very excited.


Anonymous said...

was it all it was cracked up to be? -loyal fan

liveonlane said...

haha i like how i am talked about as an objective in a recon mission or something. luckily, i wandered my way back to your car.

Sarah said...

anonymous: yes.
melanie: you are an object. a valuable one.